Friday, November 26, 2010

Finding New Real Estate...

Some of you will have already read my previous post, Sensor Error... BAD Sensor!  If you have, you know that we had a very frustrating sensor night earlier in the week.  Part of the problem, I THINK, is that every time we have changed out the sensor for our CGMS Sugar Boy has bled... it has steadily gotten worse and worse.  After talking about it and thinking it through, Sugar Daddy and I think it may be the reason the last sensor failed the way it did.  When we pulled it, it had quite a bit of blood on and around the sensor. 

We have always used Sugar Boys bum for his sensor site.  He is very thin, and its one of the few places on his body where there is enough fat to provide the proper amount of sub-cutaneous fluid needed to take the glucose measurement.  I had made the suggestion to him once or twice before that maybe we put it on his arm.  I even reminded him that his friend, The Superhero has his CGMS on his arm, and that it works great there.  He wouldn't budge.... the prospect of us exploring new real estate was just not appealing to him.

So, Wednesday night, knowing I really really wanted to have Linkie back and attached to Sugar Boy so that I could keep a better tab on his numbers during Thanksgiving, I sat down to do our normal sensor change on his bum.  The second the sensor went in it started bleeding.... badly.  I pulled it back out.  What to do now?  I knew that his bum was going to need a much longer break than just two days.

I suggested we try the arm again.... I was met with a very strong and firm, "NO!"  The kind that comes with a scrunched up face and a pouty lip.  (Seriously, my son has MASTERED the pouty lip... really quite cute when its not totally frustrating.)  ANYWAY... this is when I decided that it was once again time to pull out the big guns..... I bribed him with a new train.

That night and for Thanksgiving we got the BEST, most accurate sensor readings we have EVER gotten from Linkie.... AND the ISIG (the measurement of the amount of sub-cutaneous fluid) is the highest its every been.  It was TOTALLY worth the bribe!  =)


  1. SO glad he let you do the arm, even with a bribe! That is awesome! And I am glad you are seeing accurate readings there! Woo Hoo!

  2. As a mom, (or dad) we know that bribery works! And as many times we've heard from "experts", I just say screw em! We know what works, and I'm glad to hear it did in your case.

  3. So glad you had another thing to be thankful for! Hope you had a great Thanksgiving, and that the CGM helped keep the numbers in line.

  4. omg what a cutie pie!! Glad it worked!

  5. WAHOOO! Joe sounds similar Donna. I would mention such things as "different real estate" or heck even just getting a CGM...and Joe would adamantly say "NO" in the beginning. It would take him like a few months to be "cool" with whatever I was proposing. I also had to use "bribes" when he was younger too...You are rocking it D Mama! WOOT for CGMS during the holidays!

  6. glad the arm worked! That is where we put Lovebug's sensor and have always gotten good numbers from there.

  7. Bribing rocks! You do what you have to do...the first time you make the change is always the hardest! So awesome! And his face is so sweeet!

  8. You know what his "currency" is! :)

    Sometimes, a mom's gotta do what a mom's gotta do...and that just might mean bribing! :) Glad it worked!
