Friday, November 19, 2010

Family Photo Shoot

It’s that time of year again!

Every year in November we make our way over to Portrait Innovations and make it through the family photo shoot. =)
This year had its challenges… I made the appointment just this morning! I had called to ask if I could make an appointment for a week or so later and was told that they were pretty much booked through Christmas. Then the guy said, but I can take you tonight at 7pm. Oh Boy.

So I rousted the family and made arrangements for Grandma D to feed the kids an early dinner. Rushed home from work and found matching outfits for all of us. Took a quick shower…. did my hair and make-up…. and then Sugar Daddy and I ran to pick the kids up at Grandma D’s, got them dressed and ready…. and flew to the portrait studio. Before we left Grandma D’s we gave Sweet Girl some Benadryl for her drippy nose. We got to the portrait studio… where, of course, they were running behind… and we waited. And waited some more. Did I mention that Sweet Girl had Benadryl for her drippy nose???? Ummmm yeah – she was ready to fall asleep by the time the picture taking started. LOL Luckily our photographer really knew what she was doing and woke her back up!

One of the things I LOVE about Portrait Innovations, though, is you get your pictures right away!

Here’s how they turned out!


  1. THEY ARE SO AWESOME!!!!!!!!

    Turned out GREAT :)

    I LOVE that one with the kids looking at Santa and the cookies....SO SWEET!

  2. Wendy stole my comment! Lol awesome pics!

  3. Those pictures are wonderful!! You have a beautiful family!

  4. oh my gosh..don't know how I missed these! so so so cute! what a good lookin' bunch!!
